Indiana Railroad Facts and Information
- Indiana has 4,255 railroad route miles.
- 91% of these miles are operated by Class I railroads primarily Norfolk Southern (NS) and CSX Transportation (CSX).
- There are 46 regional, local and switching terminal railroads in the state.
- 15 Indiana counties and 86 communities are served exclusively by short line railroads.
- Railroads directly impact the Indiana economy by employing over 5,800 people and have an annual payroll of over $333 million. In addition, the railroads pay property taxes and fuel taxes.
- Over 110 million tons of rail freight originate and/or terminate in Indiana annually. Nearly two thirds are coal, grain or metal products.
- Shortline railroads handle over 350,000 carloads per year.
- ROI generally meets on a quarterly basis and its officers are elected to a two-year term and include a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and a Secretary-Treasurer. The services of a lobbyist are utilized by the organization.
- Indiana railroads, although most are privately owned, create substantial public benefits.
- Railroads provide the lowest cost for land transportation of bulk commodities.
- Loss of impairment of rail service would increase truck traffic, impact the highway user and have great impact on rural communities.